Three years in, it’s time for reflection.
Looking back over my blog, I am struck by how much I have done. I have travelled from Alaska to the Caribbean and places inbetween. I have met amazing people, professional chefs and home cooks. I have eaten all kinds of food at the most refined resterauants and in the most simple of kitchens. I have cooked and baked things I never made before or thought I would make. And I have shared it all (or most of it) on these pages.

It is almost impossible to encapsulate three years in nine pictures!
Was it really three years ago that I posted my first recipe on A Woman Cooks In Asheville?
It seems so. At the time, I was in a place of change. My marriage had ended. My inn was sold. Life, and my future, as I had envisioned it was a rubble around me. I needed something to do, something to focus on, to give a sense of meaning to my days. I turned to two things I enjoy: writing and cooking
My blog has been a source of enjoyment to me. In pursuit of food and recipes it sent me out into the world. I filled many hours sharing my experience here. This blog has been my friend and companion. I have been thrilled every time someone tries one of my recipes. I have loved growing my Instagram account (will I EVER reach 1000 followers???). I am proud of how much better my photography is. (Especially because brown food (tastes good) is hard to make attractive.)
Recently I went back and read my first post: Outrageous Cookies
I was struck by the content. My voice was clear and expressive. The pictures were basic. The recipe was only okay. But the writing was good. I was interested to see how my blog had changed from a reflective essay with a recipe attached to a how-to cooking blog.
And I wasn’t sure I liked the change.
To be fair, Covid and the isolation it engendered has limited my opportunities for thought provoking experiences. And inspirational food… ? Honestly I bore myself these days!!
It’s time for a change.
I am taking a break from my blog for the next 30 days. I am going to use the time to take some online cooking classes, to read lots and lots of things, and to experiment with some new photography techniques. Along the way, I am going to be thinking about what I want to do with my blog. In what direction do I want it to go? What is it about—life, food, or both? I will keep posting on Instagram and Facebook, but only as I am inspired.

Does it mean anything that my first and last post were about cookies?
For this month, I am leaving you with this recipe for thought. See you in February

- 65 years
- 1 Loving family
- Regrets a few
- Hope a lot
- Faith endless
- Thought liberal
- Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
- And sorry I could not travel both
- And be one traveler, long I stood
- And looked down one as far as I could
- To where it bent in the undergrowth;
- Then took the other, as just as fair,
- And having perhaps the better claim,
- Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
- Though as for that the passing there
- Had worn them really about the same,
- And both that morning equally lay
- In leaves no step had trodden black.
- Oh, I kept the first for another day!
- Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
- I doubted if I should ever come back.
- I shall be telling this with a sigh
- Somewhere ages and ages hence:
- Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
- I took the one less traveled by,
- And that has made all the difference.
The five stars are for the post and the life recipe! I’m going to miss your blog because sadly its been the primary way I keep in touch with YOU. Perhaps that is the thing that needs to change. I miss you my friend, as you are the person who I love in spite of our differences, and maybe a little bit because of them. You make me think about WHY I believe the things I believe and you make me see the other side when I might otherwise be blind to it. I hope your month off is only a month and you find it provides the rest you need.
Thank you. I also appreciate our friendship, sometimes because of our differences. It proves that friendship can thrive in many ways!
I do intend for this to only be a short break. The Cooking Class I am taking is intensive-2-3 hours/day–and I want to maximize my experience without feeling distraction or pressure!